This is just a logo image that says 'horger'

Horger | Page 2

Hi I’m Carl Horger. I wanted this domain because it’s my last name. This was supposed to be for my family to use but that never happened because they’re mostly computer illiterate so it’s mainly for my email. I’d be curious to hear from any other Horgers that stumble upon this site. I really know very little about the Horger side of my family and would love to hear more about my grandfather when he was younger or even my dad.

I am usually listening to music of some sort most of the time. Here’s a brief Playlist of what I’ve been listening to the most recently.

Here’s our cd collection

Here some links to my stuff.

Here’s a few links to things I like

Tree Service

My brother Rick’s tree service’s website. He’s worked hard to build his tree service business and I look up to him for that. If you need tree work done in the Philadelphia area check out his service. He believes in hard work and customer satisfaction. I’m extremely proud of what he’s built.

Premier Hardwood Restorations

The work of Derek’s that I have seen has been awesome. Definetely check him out

Things I like

Just some things that I like

Fitness Related things

Here are some fitness related things that I like

Food places

Here are some food places that I like

Metal Links

Here are metal music related things that I like


Looking at the same for walls is bad for you. I love getting out in nature and geocaching is an extension of that idea. Here’s a few places I recommend playing outdoors at.

Online Shopping

Given the fact that I don’t drive, online ordering is ideal for me. I can browse and find the exact thing I want without needing a ride or struggling to find what I want in real stores.


Even though things have occurred that have kept us from geocaching we still do love it and are looking forward to hitting the trails this year. We geocache as Mocadeki


From the first time I used it on my server freebsd became my operating system of choice. It just works. I haven’t broken something that I can’t fix yet. My favorite part is the base system is just that. it doesn’t include a bunch of crap I don’t need.

American Weather

I lurk on this site quite a bit. Such a wealth of information there and knowledgeable posters. I’ve learned so much over the past 15 years from lurking at the defunct wright weather forum then easteruswx which shutdown and now here.

Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC)

Medullary Thyroid Cancer is a rare cancer that I have. I just noticed a website is being created to help us find information. This is important with rare diseases because most doctors don’t know about it or have forgotten what they learned since they don’t get to practice it often.


I switched to Google early because they gave better results with a clean home page. Slowly over the years the home page has gotten more cluttered up and recently I’ve noticed a large decline in search results quality. DuckDuckGo is clean and has been giving decent results. It’s easy enough to just at !g to search using google.

The important thing I need to say on here and I think everyone with at least one functional brain cell would agree with is FUCK THE COWBOYS!